Sunday, June 1, 2014

Who They Say You Are

It is so hard to not believe what others say about you and others who try to tell you who you are. Maybe there are nuggets of truth in those descriptions but there is one person who knows you really are and sees the real you, believes in the amazing person you are, understands your self-doubts, self-hatred, self-loathing and even those things that you know are 'broken' in you. I think that it's not about changing the minds of those who don't understand you or who tell you who you are, but for YOU to know the truth about yourself from the person who really knows and will deliver it in the best possible way - Jesus. The Jesus that does believe in you, does love you, does see the really and truly amazing person within.
And to those who have put you down and labelled you in whatever way:
'But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.' (Matthew 5:44).
Pray for them not because they deserve it but because they are carrying their own burdens, because they don't see what God knows to be true about you, because their judgement of you often comes from deep hurt within them. Take back the power and bless them.
I think there are things about ourselves we'd like to change, I certainly would, and sometimes those words that are meant for destruction, when talked about with the Lord, can offer some insights into places God can heal. But let the Lord shape those destructive words into words of truth and peace and let him discard the rest.
The truth shall set you free.

Photo courtesy of

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