Friday, July 20, 2012


I think having dreams is crucial - it helps us have hope and I like the saying that 'if you shoot for the moon then at least you'll land among the stars' but I also think that sometimes we are being taught we can have anything we want and don't see what's right in front of us or sometimes we don't get the guy (or the girl), the car, the job, the stardom, the successful business, the happy life, etc. Or we strive and strive for something and when it doesn't happen, we feel we have failed. Perhaps start with a dream you know is attainable and as you grow and as you achieve one, aim a little higher - I don't know - just a thought?

Also I looked into the eyes of a gaunt, starving baby on the Ewan McDonald Unicef ad and I had what can only be described as a wake-up call - here is a crisis in Africa where 1 million children are literally starving to death and I'm worried about suburban comfort. Shame on me. Time to get things in order financially and start helping those kids. I hope one day if I do achieve a level of 'fame' (way too bigger word for it) or success, these kids will be the people who benefit after my own family.


Annie xx

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