Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Your Outhouse, My Outhouse

There is no beauty in an outhouse - not really.  But if there is, I'm finding it. I've sat amongst the immovable  stench of s*** in the enclosed space of my life, completely scared to venture outside but hating where I've been trapped.

I've realised that although the outhouse itself is not beautiful, what I've found while sitting there has been beautiful.  The realisations, hope, healings and friendships I have, have been found in that outhouse.

Ok, stop the metaphors.

I've been through CFS (M.E), Toxoplasmosis, PCOS, Anxiety, Depression, IBS, Functional Seizures and Weakness, Glandular Fever (Mono) and too many other things to name. I've known grief and despair that has almost sent me to the end of myself and also sometimes a joy that makes me wonder if I've had a taste of Heaven.  And I bet you've been through a lot yourself.  I bet sometimes you don't feel heard and wonder if anyone hears. I am wondering if you have spent nights crying into your pillow, crushed by disappointment and heartache or perhaps just numb with the shock of life.

I want you to know that you are not alone.  You are heard.

I'll start by being completely honest: I follow Christ.  If you have been hurt by Christians (heck, I have!) I am truly sorry - please know this is not reflection of Christ. But I would love you to read on regardless of what you believe because I believe people need love, and, without love we have nothing.
I talk to God a lot and I hope some of the answers I get I can share with you.  I hope I can encourage you lightheartedly and on a deeper level also.

I'd love you to join this blog and come here whenever you need encouragement and empathy.

What beauty have you found in the outhouse?

Annie xx


  1. Very thought provoking post. Intrigues me enough to follow. :)
